Monthly Archives: May 2017

The Wood




resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.
“steadfast loyalty”

5 years.

Alright, so it’s not decades.  We’re not celebrating our golden anniversary.  But 5 years, in the world we live in, is pretty impressive regardless.

5 years ago today, I stood my pixel avatar in a pixel planetarium, dressed in ribbons, to beg his pixel avatar to lock a pixel collar around my pixel neck.  At that time, it was a fantasy, a virtual world we built together to feed a mental kink we both needed.  I had no idea where it would go or how deep this connection would become.  Before long, we were chatting on skype calls, and the virtual slowly became more and more real.  Fast forward 5 years, and I’m sitting here in my non-pixel body with a non-pixel collar locked on my neck, fielding text messages from my non-pixel Master.

It’s oh so very real now.  Which is not surprising to anyone who reads this blog, of course.  All two of you!

In the world of Second Life, it’s very rare that anyone stays together for months, let alone years.  Everything is hyper-speed.  People meet, get married, have their little pixel babies, fight, break up, and divorce, all in the virtual world, all in the matter of a few months.  But we stepped beyond that, took our relationship out into the real world, and we’re stronger today than we’ve ever been before.

So, here I sit on our 5 year collar-versary, and I look back over the years.  We’ve come so far, learned so much, explored so many new things and deepened our trust level beyond anything I could have imagined.  I’ve done things with this man that I would never have thought I’d want to do, let alone enjoyed so much that I beg him to do them again.  I’ve cried on his shoulder, yelled in frustration, laughed so much my sides hurt, and spent untold hours curled up against him on the couch, watching tv or talking.  We’ve played games together, explored the wilds of my home state, had more Voodoo Donuts than anyone should probably eat, and shared books with each other, introducing new worlds to the other (You’re welcome for Pern, Master).  We’ve had amazing days, we’ve had rough days.  We’ve had celebrations and arguments (yes, I argue!  I’m allowed, because my Master wants pure, blunt honest thoughts from me).  We’ve had mind blowing sex, and disappointing experiments.  And through it all, we just keep tightening the bond, connecting our souls.

Our journey isn’t even close to over.  Hell, it’s barely past the starting gate.  He’s still 3000 miles away, while we keep working on the best way to shorten that distance that won’t be financial ruin for one or both of us.  We still have to work out issues that we each have, and we still have challenges.  We have a long road ahead of us, and that’s quite alright by me, because I know we’ll be on that road together, no matter what.  I know we’ll face each bump, detour, washout, and mudslide together, puzzling out the solutions in the best way for us.

We’re planning our next vacation together currently, and I’m very much looking forward to it.  And meanwhile, we’ll celebrate this 5 year milestone in our virtual world, because that’s where we still connect when we’re apart.  And we’ll spend hours in a skype call, and he’ll tuck me into bed with his voice in my ear, as he does every night.  And I’ll go to sleep with a smile, as I always do, knowing that….

I am His.

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Posted by on May 3, 2017 in Uncategorized

Dreaming Illusions

Random thoughts

Prima Purrfect

Forget Diamonds, Give Me Shoes