Monthly Archives: May 2018




“He’s not perfect.  I’m not perfect.  Long distance relationships are hard.  D/s is hard.  It’s not flowers and hearts and happily ever after.” – from my first blog entry My Journey


Six years.  Whew.  There were times I didn’t think I’d be posting this, or anything else, ever.  But here we are.  Six years ago today, we began this journey with our avatars in Second Life, living out a fantasy in a virtual world.  Since then, we’ve been online/SL only, met in person, collared in person, been long distance, lived together for multiple months, and then back to online/SL only.  We’re still in this place, where although we love each other, we’re keeping our relationship compartmentalized in the virtual world, while Master works out his life.  I think we both hope that one day we’ll go back to the real world with this, but for now, this allows us to keep connected and feed that deep D/s need we both have.

Those words I spoke years ago are still true.  It’s never been fairy tales and perfection for us, but it’s been mostly fantastic.  I’m not the perfect sub, he’s not the perfect Master.  But we are the perfect team in that we don’t just throw our hands up and quit.  We adjust, we take the bumps in the road, we figure out how best to handle the big problems and laugh over the small ones.

Over the last 6 years, we’ve grown closer and closer, we’ve explored brave new worlds, discussed every topic imaginable, argued over our future, commiserated over our pains, jointly mocked the stupidity that runs so rampant through SL, built untold creations together, ran a small business, gotten a pair of kittens that live with me and are the most amazing blessing he could have left me with (though they’re not kittens now and I threaten to make mittens of them often), done homeowner projects, gone out and did our best to thwart the Shapers and save humanity while hiking/walking/running in hilarious and sometimes painful Ingress competitions, eaten way too many Voodoo donuts, read so many books and watched many many movies, and spent untold hours on Skype calls when we’re apart, keeping the connection alive.

The future is hidden, shaky.  We don’t know where we will end up.  He has so many things he needs to handle, and I have the job of waiting, being patient, and trusting that he will handle what needs to be done.  But for now, we enjoy what we have, we keep the connection alive the best way we can…. and… we continue down the path.

No, it’s not perfect.  I won’t sugar coat it, it’s not my way.  It’s not flowers and hearts and happily ever after, no.  But it is .. us.  Making our path, our way, fighting together, and hopefully, one day, reaching that goal at the end… still hand in hand, together.

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Posted by on May 3, 2018 in Uncategorized

Dreaming Illusions

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